About Us

Êtrecoeur means: to be one with yourself


We are a health and wellness based organization which believes in helping you take active steps to assist you in reaching the epitome of your well being.

To ensure a proper consultation which is customized to each and every client, we have a team of experienced professionals who cater to the different aspects of Human Fitness.

Imagine, in only 3 months, you will create a healthy lifestyle that honours your own health and well being.


Our Motto

Our motto is to Harmonize all aspects of your life with our non medicinal health based approach. All of our programs are based on this approach at the root level which can later be Customized.
So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. If you want to bring a positive change to your lifestyle do take a moment to drop us a line.

Quick Facts

My Experience

Years of Health Coaching Experience
Recipes & Articles Published
Happy and Healthy Clients
Cooking Classes & Workshops

Our Magic Formula

To Stay in harmony we refocus on your health Goals. We dig deeper on your strengths and weakness and how you can take advantage from them. Will help you seek self directed lasting changes, aligned with their values, which promotes health and wellness and thereby enhance wellbeing. A person who wants and expect more from themselves, want it in a easier way and for life long time success and if you are tired of dieting and excited for accountability, support and conversation – this is for you

We totally understand its very difficult to achieve work life balance and you all are busy. And that is why we are here to help you. We make it our personal responsibility to ensure fitness of our clientele on our levels of training style. We devise the training regime of our client not just based on their workout and eating habits, instead i also take into account sub impacts aspects like work pressure, sleeping patterns, psychological awareness to reach a fit individual.

There will be different Programs for different age groups including Kids, Teen, adults and prime timers to uncover the habits and thoughts in the way of a healthy relationship with food and your body. (via phone or in-person) Personalized follow-up notes and goals to work on in between each of our sessions.
Program materials – a whole-foods restart program* that we created to help you reset and get back to basics. Plus, easy-to-understand nutrition knowledge, life tips (like…how to handle a business trip), and recipes to help you incorporate sustainable changes.


To help you Get well, Feel well and most importantly Stay well.
Êtrecoeur means to be one with yourself. Our aim is to take you to the Epitome of your Healthy being.

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